Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28-April 1

40' Hill Repeats Run
15' @Z1
Do 6 - 8 hill repeats that take around 1 min to climb.
High effort going up. Very easy going down.
4.35 miles in 49 min.   9:12 ave. pace

swim 2500
WU: 200
MS1: 8 x 100(15"), as 50 Sprint, 50 easy.
MS2: 3 x 200(20"), negative split
MS3: 2 x 300(30"), negative split
CD 100 Easy
2000 yards in 38:45
A. Front Squat to 18” box (tan box), 8 x 3, rest 30 sec @ 155#, focus on fast drive off ok
B. Kip to Negative, 8 x 2 reps, rest 30 sec **note change these are not supersets ok
C1. Hollow Rock, 5 x 30 sec, rest as needed ok
C2. Arch Body Hold, 5 x 40 sec, rest as needed ouch

Weather prevented run

Swim - 2300
MS1:4x200(30"), last 50 of each sprint
MS2: 6x150(20"), last 50 of each sprint
Swam 2000 in 39:25.

A1. DB Step Ups, 5 x 14 steps, rest 30 sec 20s,25s,30s, 30s, 35s
A2. Single Arm DB Bench Press, 5 x 8-10/arm, rest 2 min 35, 45, 45, 45, 55
B. Weighted Back Extensions, 4 x 10 reps, rest 90 sec 15,15,25,25
C. Farmer’s Carry, 70# KB’s- 1 x max time walking 50’ down & backs 750'. Alternated hands. Wasn't clear on how this was to work and didn't want to interrupt your convo with Rebecca

Run 30'
10" Easy
10' Tempo
10' Easy

2.24 mile run in 20 min. 8:57 pace.
*Didn't have time for a 90 min. ride. My Saturdays are loaded. 

Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 21-26


Mon 20' FTP Test

WU: 200
MS1: 3 x 400 (30") @ your 1000 pace.
MS2: 2 x 400 (30) @ your 1000 pace.
CD: 100 Easy
2000 yards (MS1&2) in 38:25
A1. Front Squat to 18” box (tan box), 5 x 3, rest 30 sec 155,165,165,185,205
A2. Kip to Negative, 5 x 4 reps, rest 2 min ok
B1. FLR on Rings, 5 x 40 sec, rest as needed ok
B2. Arch Body Hold, 5 x 40 sec, rest as needed ok

Wed Run 50'
15' @ Easy
3 x 5'(5') @Z4 perceived effort
remainder easy
5.27 miles in 50 minutes. 9:29 average
Hot run in the afternoon. Couldn't really get to Z4 in the first 2 intervals. The 3rd interval didn't happen. 

WU: 300
MS1: 5x400 steady effort
CD: 200
2000 in 39:47

A1. DB Walking Lunges, 5 x 10 steps, rest 30 sec 45s,45s,45s,53s
A2. Ring Push Ups, 5 x 8-10 reps, rest 2 min 10 each time
B. Side Plank from Hand, 4 x 45 sec/side, rest as needed ok
C. Russian KB Swings, 4 x 10 reps, rest 90 sec 88,88,97,97

Fri Run 50' Easy with 25' min at tempo effort
5.11 miles in 50 min. 9:47 ave pace. 
Hilly and legs were wore out.  :( 

2.20 miles in 20 minutes. 9:05 ave. pace

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14-19

Run 50' Easy with 20' min at tempo effort
5.58 miles in 50 min. 8:57 ave. pace

Swim 2000
WU: 200
MS1: 8 x 100(15")@ Fast
MS2: 2 x 300(25")@ 1,000 pace
MS3: 4 x 25(30") Sprint with good form
CD: 200
2000 yards in 37:41

A1. Front Squat to 18” box (tan box), 5 x 4, rest 30 sec 155,165,165,175,185
A2. Kip to Negative, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2 min ok
B1. FLR on Rings, 5 x 35 sec, rest as needed ok
B2. Arch Body Hold, 5 x 35 sec, rest as needed ok

Brick Bike 50'/ Run 15'
10' Easy
3 x 8' At strong effort with 4' rest in between sets.
remainder easy.
After bike run 15’
1.79 mile run in 15 min. 8:22 ave. pace

Swim 2000
Warmup 200
6 x 300(30") Steady

2000 yards total. 1600 in 30:14. (1:53/100 average)

A1. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 30 sec 35s,35s,35s,45s
A2. Ring Push Ups, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 2 min ok
B. Side Plank from Hand, 4 x 40 sec/side, rest as needed ok
C. Russian KB Swings, 4 x 12 reps, rest 90 sec 79,88,88,97

Run 50' Easy with 20' min at tempo effort
Class wod

Run up for Downs 5K. Ran with Matthew Freeland. 31:10

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 7-12

60’ Steady bike.  Ride only as your knee allows.  Cut it short if you have to.
Around 40 min. the knee was aching a bit so I pulled back. Was in aero most of the ride.

Tues Swim
Swim #1 1900
WU: 200
MS1: 4 x 100(15"), as 50 Sprint, 50 easy.
MS2: 3 x 200(20"), negative split
MS3: 2 x 300(30"), negative split
CD 100 Easy
1900 in 40:27 (first 1000 was in 20:38)

A1. Front Squat to 18” box (tan box), 5 x 5, rest 30 sec - 135,155,165,175,185
A2. Kip to Negative, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2 min ok
B1. FLR on Rings, 4 x 45 sec, rest as needed ok
B2. Arch Body Hold, 4 x 45 sec, rest as needed ok

Run 40' Easy with 10' min at tempo effort

Swim #2 2000
Warmup 200
6 x 300(30") Steady
2000 in 40:56

A1. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 16 steps, rest 30 sec - 30's,35's,35's,35's
A2. Ring Push Ups, 4 x 5-8 reps, rest 2 min ok (8 each set)
B. Side Plank from Hand, 4 x 35 sec/side, rest as needed - ok
C. Russian KB Swings, 4 x 15 reps, rest 90 sec - 70,79,88,88

Run 40' Easy with 10' min at tempo effort

Class WOD-16.3
6 rounds, 1 rep

1.5 hour ride with 4 x 15'(3.5')@Z3
15 minute brick
1.75 miles in 15 min. 8:36 average pace.