Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26-October 31 (IMFL)

Swim 2600
WU: 200
MS: 20 x 100 (20"), as 50 Sprint, 50 Easy. Take an extra easy 50 after every 5th 100 as active recovery. Set Total: 2200
CD: 200 easy
70 min @ z1 run

Results: 2800 yards in 58:51. Started off feeling good. Sprints wore me out.  I was dragging this morning. 

Bike 60 min 20min Run
3x6-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 2-minute recoveries between intervals

2.07 mile run in 20 minutes. 9:38 average pace 
Sleep: 5.5 hours.   

Run 70 min @ z1 run

Results:   7. miles in 1:10. 9:51 average pace
Sleep:     5 hours
Right knee is hurting a good bit. This isn't the one that I had the tendinitis. It's the weak one when doing front squats, Mike.




B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 3.2 reps, rest 60 sec  ok
B2. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 4 x 10 steps, rest 2 min  44# KBs
C1. Standing Landmine Twist, 3 x 10/side, rest 30 sec  10#,15#,15#   
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec **hold 10-15# plate 10#,15#,15#   

Open Water Swim. 1/3 mile.
Had very little time. Forgot to stop my watch so not sure of time.  

Sleep:     6 hours

2000 yard swim

Results: 42:09. Felt really good.
Sleep:    6 hours


Fit2Lead 5K + a slow kid's mile with Cash
Results:  24:50. 7:59 average pace
Sleep:    5 hours 

Not done due to going easy on the knees....  :(

Bike 2hr/Run 20minMostly Z1/Z2Spend at least 20 - 30 min in Z3(tempo)

50 min run15' @ Z12 x 8' (4')@ Z3Remainder @ Z1

A. Front Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast
B1. Russian KB swings @ 97#, 5 x 8-10, rest 30 sec **focus fast hip drive
B2. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest 2 min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight.
C. Side Plank, 5 x 45 sec/side, rest as needed **add weight

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19-24 (IMFL)

60min bike/15 min run
4x10-minute intervals between 95-99% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between
Sleep: 5 hours
1.72 miles in 15 min. 8:43 average pace 
Foot felt fine. Ride wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. 
Swim 2800
WU: 200
MS1: 20 x 100 (20"), as 50 Sprint, 50 Easy.
MS2: 8 x 50 (20") as 25 Sprint, 25 Easy Set Total: 400
CD: 200 easy

Sleep: 6 hours 
Results: 2800 yards in 56:33. 
Felt pretty good. 
P.M. A. Front Squat @ 30X0, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min **building each set165,185,195,205,215 B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 3.1.1 reps, rest 60 sec ok B2. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 2 min70,70,70,88 (used KBs) C1. Standing Landmine Twist, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec Bar, +10, +15 * C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 60 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on squeezing butt and driving hips into the pad  ok
90' Run @ Z1 
Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 10 miles in 1:36. 9:39 average pace
A. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast 165#
B1. Russian KB swings @ 97#, 5 x 6-8, rest 30 sec **focus fast hip drive ok
B2. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 6-8 reps, rest 2
min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight. 45,45,45,45,45
C. Side Plank, 5 x 40 sec/side, rest as needed **add weight   ok
Bonus swim: 
Results: 1700 yards in 35:08

Sleep:  None due to mom's ER trip.  Did get a nap at one point
60' Run with 2 x 8'(4') @ Z3 
Sleep: 7 hours
Results: 6.25 miles in 60 min. 9:35 average. Some hills. 
180' bike
WU: 10'-15',then 3x1' high effort
MS1: 2 x 10'(4') @Z4(Threshold)
MS2 2 x 25'(5') @ Z3(Tempo)
Remainder @ Z2

Optional Extra Swim....practice wetsuit swim 60'

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12-17 (IMFL)

70’ min Z1

Sleep: 6.5 hours

Results: 7 miles in 1:10:42.  10:05 average pace
*Legs were a little wore out from the bike which was only about 10 hours earlier. Took a few short (20 second) walk breaks. I was running the hills there at JC Penney

A. Front Squat @ 3030, 4 x 4 reps, rest 2-3 min **building each set 155,165,175,185
B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 2.2.2 reps, rest 60 sec      ok
B2. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 2 min   30,30,35,35
C1. Hollow Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec  Hollow hold on floor
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 60 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on squeezing butt and driving hips into the pad ok


Swim 2500. Focus on smooth efficient form
Sleep: 6.5 hours

Results:  2500 yards in 54:53
*first 1000 was in 19:37

A. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast  165
B1. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight. 35,35,45,45,45
C. Side Plank, 5 x 40 sec/side, rest as needed ok

Sleep: 6.5 hours
*Box jumps skipped due to some pain in right foot

Bike 75min/Run 15min
3x12-minute intervals in the Threshold power level at 95-99% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 5.25 hours
1.66 mile run in 15:31. 9:20 average pace


70min Z1 Run

Results:  Foot pain cut the run short. REALLY short.


3.5 hr ride/15min Run
Ride mostly in Z2
4 x 10' @ Z3 with full recoveries. Can put them in anywhere in the ride.

Results: Rested the foot


Optional extra swim
2500 swim smooth  

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5-10 (IMFL)

35' Easy Run 
Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 3.43 miles in 35 minutes. 10:12 average pace
1500 easy smooth swim 
Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 1500 yards in 31:48
A. Front Squat @ 3330, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2-3 min **mod weight, think tempo
and tech more than weight 135,155,165
B1. Ring Rows @ 30X0, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 60 sec ok
B2. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 16 steps, rest 2 min 25s, 25s, 30s, 30s
C1. Hollow Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec ouch
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec ok

Sleep: 4.5 hours 
35 min easy run

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 3 miles in 29:34. 9:51 pace  (was a little short on time)

A. Back Squat, 2 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast Done. 165#
B1. Box Jumps 30”, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 30 sec **focus on jumping as high as
possible. Ok. Been over a year since I box jumped. I got no hops!
B2. Single Arm Swiss Ball Bench Press @ 2010, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest 2 min
**only shoulders on the ball, focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core
tight. 25,30,35,35
C. Side Plank, 5 x 30 sec/side, rest as needed  ok
Family day and Sunday prep. Ended up being a long one. In bed at 2am Sunday morning. :/ 
Sleep: 9 hours 
Sleep: 4 hours

Catch up day. Back to back bike workouts with a 5 minute break between. 
60' Bike
Mont Albert is 1 hour of Tempo intervals spent between 70-80% FTP with
intermittent, 1 to 3-minute recoveries at 55% FTP.
Felt fine.   
90' bike
Andrews is 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between
65-75% FTP. 

I was fine the first 45 minutes, but the last 45 started to wear on me. 
Being out of the saddle 2 weeks made for an uncomfortable ride. Legs were a bit shot
although I was able to keep up with the workout. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

September 14-19

70 min goal pace (11:00 pace) Run HILLS
Practice walking 30 seconds per mile like you will do at each aid station.  Turn off auto pause on GPS. With the walkin the average pace should be at 11:00.

Results: 6.36 miles in 70 minutes. 11:00 average pace
Sleep: 4.25 hours


Bike 60 min 20min Run
3x6-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 2-minute recoveries between intervals

Run: 2.21 miles in 20 minutes. 9:02 pace (included hills)
Sleep: 5.5 hours

1 hour later

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3 x 2 @ 2-5% more than last week off feel  165,180,195
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 3 x 3.2, rest 15 sec b/w triple/doubles, 1 min b/w sets ok
B. Heavy Front Plank, 60 sec, rest 60 sec x 4   35,35,35,25
C. Arch Body Hold, 45 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5  ok



Results: Pain. Didn't do anything except get a massage.
Sleep: 4.5 hours

A1. SL Dead Lift w/ 2KB's barefoot @ 3030, 3 x 6-8/side, rest 30 sec  44s,44s,44s
A2. Barbell Pres @ 30X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 90 sec 95,115,125,130
800m Sled Drag Walk w/ 45# on top **use chest harness   ok

Swim 2600
WU: 200
MS: 20 x 100 (20"), as 50 Sprint, 50 Easy. Take an extra easy 50 after every 5th 100 as active recovery. Set Total: 2200
CD: 200 easy

Results: 2200 yards in 48:46
Sleep: 7 hours

50 min run
15' @ Z1
1 x 8' @ Z3
Remainder @ Z1

Results: 5.47 miles in 50 min.  9:08 pace
Sleep: 4 hours
Bike 2hr/Run 20minMostly Z1/Z2Spend at least 20 - 30 min in Z3(tempo)

Optional extra swimSwim 1/2 Iron Distance in pool or open water practice. 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 7-12

Swim 3200
WU: 400
MS1: 8 x 100 (15"), as 50 Sprint, 50 Easy
MS2: 5 x 200 (20"), Negative split.
MS3: 3 x 300(30") Last 100 of each is @ T-pace minus 2-4" .
CD: 100 easy 

Results: 3200 yards in 1:03

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3 x 3 @ 80% of last week’s toughest single   180#
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 3 x 2.2.2, rest 10 sec b/w doubles, 1 min b/w sets ok
B. Front Rack Yoke Carry w/ 160# on top, 4 x 50m, rest as needed  ok
C. Straight Leg Crab Hold, 45 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5  **focus on driving hips up  ok

Sleep:  6 hours
60 min ride / 15 min run

Sleep: 7 hours
Results:  (there's a note about 2nd interval)
Brick run:  1.88 miles in 15 minutes. 7:59 pace!  That's a first!

90 min z1/z2 run in HILLS
Sleep: 4.5 hours. It wasn't good sleep. #pregnantwifecantgetcomfy
Results: 9 miles (JC Penney Parkway hills) in 1:30:31. 10:03 average pace
*Legs were a little sore still from the bike/brick that was only about 10 hours earlier.  
A1. SL Dead Lift w/ 2KB's barefoot @ 3030, 3 x 6-8/side, rest 30 sec  44's, 44's ,44's
A2. Barbell Pres @ 30X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 90 sec 100,115,120,125
400m Sled Drag Walk w/ 45# on top **use chest harness  ok

Sleep: 5 hours

60 min run
15 Z1
10 Z3
10 Z1
10 Z3
15 Z1

Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 6.16 miles in 60 min.  The first Z3 set was fine, but slowed down the rest of the run. That seems to happen on my runs at the end of the week. I did feel a little soreness in my legs today and my knee had a little pain again in it. It will be fine. I think it's just from the volume of running/biking.  ???

3hr ride/ 30 min run

Sleep: 8 hours
Results:  (notes made on the ride)
Brick: 30 minutes. 3.1 miles (hills). 9:41 pace. Run felt good. Weather (at 8pm) definitely helped. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

August 31-September 6

Option of 
2 hr z1/z2 HILLS run 

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 13.1 miles in 2:08:10. 9:47 pace (PR for that distance)

Swim 3500
WU: 200
MS1: 4 x 400 (30"") @ steady
MS2: 4 x 400 (30"") @ steady
CD: 100 Easy 

Sleep: 4.5 hours
Results: 3500 yards in 1:16.  "Hammering" out a 2:10 average per 100 yards????

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 2, 2, 1, 1 reps, rest 1 min **no failed reps, be a little conservative 165,185,205,215
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 2.2.2, rest 10 sec b/w doubles, 1 min b/w sets
B. Front Rack Yoke Carry w/ 140# on top, 4 x 50m, rest as needed
C. Straight Leg Crab Hold, 40 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5  **focus on driving hips up 

Bike  60 min / 15 min run
3x5-minute VO2max intervals at 111% FTP each followed by 5 minutes of recovery. The workout concludes with 12 minutes of Threshold work at 98% FTP with cadences changes every 2 minutes.

Sleep: 5.75 hours
Brick: 1.74 miles in 15 minutes (hills involved). 8:36 pace

A1. SL Dead Lift w/ 2KB's barefoot @ 3030, 4 x 6-8/side, rest 30 sec  44's, 44's, 44's, 44's
A2. Barbell Pres @ 30X1, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 90 sec 95,105,110,115
30 min EMOM
1st- 20 sec Air Bike ALL OUT + Walk the remaining time
2nd- 25 sec FLR on Rings + Easy Row in remaining time
3rd- Easy Bike/rest  

Sleep: 4 hours

60 min run
15' @ Z1
2 x 8' (4') @ Z3
Remainder @ Z1

Sleep:  5.5 hours
Results: 6.41 miles in 1:01:02. 9:31 pace. Ran the JCP Parkway hills

Race day practice
Bike 100 to 116 / brick run 6 miles
Bike @ race intensity (120-140bpm)
Run @ race intensity(10:17 best case pace / to 11:10)
Practice nutrition. Okay to make stops to restock on nutrition. 

Sleep:  5.5 hours
Results: 81 miles in 4:25. 18.4 mph pace (partner was having trouble. I felt okay)
2:15 mile run in 24:17.  A crushing 11:18 pace!   

Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24-29

110  min Z1/Z2 run

Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 11.15 miles of hills in 1:50:55. 9:56 average pace
Swim 2.4 miles

Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 2.4 hours in 1:25  



A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3, 3, 2, 2 reps, rest 1 min  155,185,205,215 (failed on last rep)  :/
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x, rest 10 sec b/w singles, 1 min b/w sets
B. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 100’/hand w/ 79#, rest as needed
C. Straight Leg Crab Hold, 30 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5  **focus on driving hips up 

Bike 75 min/15 min run
5x6-minute repeats at 108% FTP separated by 5-minute recovery valleys.

Sleep: 7 hours
15 minute run: 1.73 miles/. 8:40 pace (included hills)

60 min run
15' @ Z1
2 x 8' (4') @ Z3
Remainder @ Z1
Result: 5 miles in 45:05.  9:00 average pace. Had to cut it short due to work. 

A1. SL Dead Lift w/ 2KB's barefoot @ 3030, 4 x 6-8/side, rest 30 sec 35s,35s,35s,44s  (2 KB's)
A2. Standing DB Press @ 21X2, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 90 sec 30s,30s,35s,35s  DBs
30 min EMOM
1st- 15 sec Sled Push w/ 100# on top + Walk the remaining time
2nd- 20 sec FLR on Rings + Easy Row in remaining time
3rd- Easy Bike  

Sleep: 4.5 hours (I'm beat!!!)

Race day practice
Bike 100 to 116 / brick run 6 miles
Bike @ race intensity (120-140bpm)
Run @ race intensity(10:17 best case pace / to 11:10)
Practice nutrition. Okay to make stops to restock on nutrition. 

Sleep: 6 hours
Results: 100.1 miles in 5:26. 18.4 mph average. Bonked about 70 miles in. No run.

Tied up with church stuff first half of day and in NOLA rest of day. All workouts complete though except for bonus swim. 


Optional extra swim 2500
WU: 400
2 x 500 (20") @ T-pace plus 3"
2 x 400 (15") @ T-pace plus 3"
2 x 300 (10") @ T-pace plus 3",
100 easy  

Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17-22

90 min run
15' @z1 
2 x 10' (10') @ z3 
15' @ z1  
15' @ z2
remainder @ Z1     

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 10 miles in 1:36:42. 9:40 average pace
10 minute ice bath after

Swim: 2700WU: 
400 MS1: 8 x 100 (15") 
FastMS2: 4 x 200 (20") Negative split
MS3: 2 x 300(20") Negative split 
CD: 100 easy

Sleep: 6.5 hours
Results: 2700 yards in 53:40

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 2 reps, rest 1 min  155,185,210,225#
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x, rest 10 sec b/w singles, 1 min b/w sets Stricts and squats aren't a great combination for me. Although I doubt if stricts and anything make a good combo for me in all truth.
B. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 100’/hand w/ 70#, rest as needed 
C. Chinese Plank, 30 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5 *add plate on top if possible  15,25,35,45,45 plates

Sleep: 6 hours

Bike 75 min / 15min brick runRubicon +1 (repeat of july 8thworkout)3x12-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 5.5 hours
15 minute run. 1.85 miles. 8:06 pace


A1. SL Dead Lift w/ KB barefoot @ 3030, 4 x 8-10/side, rest 30 sec 44,44,53,53 
A2. Standing DB Press @ 21X2, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 90 sec  30,35,35,45
30 min EMOM
1st- 15 sec Sled Push w/ 90# on top + Walk the remaining time
2nd- 20 sec FLR on Rings + Easy Row in remaining time
3rd- Easy Bike 

Sleep:  7 hours


Bike 70 +  miles
WU: 10-15', then  3x1' high effortMS1:4 x 10' (4') @ Z4 (Threshold)Remainder Z2/Z3 (Always be pushing)Cool down easy spinning 10 min
Brick Run 15 min 

Sleep: 6 hours
Results: 70.01 miles in 3:19. 21.1mph pace
Run: 1.31 miles in 15 minutes. 11:28 pace.  :(
Ice bath after


60 min HILLS run
Can run all @ near Z2 if you can sustain. Don't kill yourself but put in an effort.   This is for practicing pacing in the hills. If you stop to walk keep the GPS running.  You will walk in Chattanooga so this is practice. Your  run pace will most likely be slower race day but this still similutes pacing.

Sleep: 8.5 HOURS!!!
Nap: 2 HOURS!!!
Started late and got about 6 minutes in and felt awful due to a late dinner.  :(

Optional Swim
Swim: 2800WU: 
200 MS1: 3 x 400 (30") Negative Split
MS2: 3 x 400 (30") Negative Split
CD: 100 Easy 

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10-15

6 weeks out


Swim: 2700
WU: 400 
MS1: 8 x 100 (15") Fast
MS2: 4 x 200 (20"), Negative split. 
MS3: 2 x 300(20") Negative split" 
CD: 100 easy 

Results: Swim time of 53:40. Felt really good today. 

60 min Bike /15 min brick run
3x12-minute intervals @ 85% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 5.5 hours
1.83 mile run in 15 min. 8:12 pace
The bike didn't seem very hard. I picked it up in the 2nd and 3rd sets since the first sent seemed quite manageable.

Run 50 min
15'  @Z1
10' @Z2
15'  @Z1
10' @Z2" 

Sleep: 4.5 hours
Results: 5.45 miles.  9.10 average pace


A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 1 min 155,175,190,200
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x, rest 10 sec b/w singles, 1 min b/w sets
B. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 100’/hand w/ 70#, rest as needed
C. Chinese Plank, 30 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5 *add plate on top if possible 0,10,15,15,25 plate
*Did something to my neck and shoulders during the third set of pull-ups. It's hurting... I saw Clayton a few hours later for an appointment I already had.  A little relief maybe. 

Sleep: 6.5 hours

A1. SL Dead Lift w/ KB barefoot @ 3030, 4 x 8-10/side, rest 30 sec
A2. Standing DB Press @ 21X2, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 90 sec
30 min EMOM
1st- 10 Russian Kb Swings, 70# + Easy Bike in remaining time
2nd- 20 sec FLR on Rings + Easy Row in remaining time
3rd- 20 sec Wall Facing HS Hold + Easy Jump Rope remaining time

Did nothing. Hurting. Tired. Pathetic. 
Run 50 min in the HILLS
Practice pacing @Z1.  Realize on the steep hills pace will drop and down hills pace will increase. Try to keep overall average pace @Z1.  Hills in Chattanooga will be so steep that you will have to walk up some.

Sleep: 8.5 hours
Results: 5.19 miles in 50:07. 9:40 pace. 

Bonus swim: 1000 yards in 20:51

Bike 2 - 2.5hr/15 min brick run
WU: 10-15', then  3x1' high effort
MS1:3 x 7' (4') @ Z4 (Threshold)
MS2:6 x 1 (1') @Z6 (Anaerobic)
Remainder @z2 

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 55.9 miles in 2:45. 20.2 mph average
15 minute run. 1.66 miles. 9:03 pace

Swim: 2800
WU: 200 
MS1: 3 x 400 (30"") Negative Split
MS2: 3 x 400 (30"") Negative Split
CD: 100 Easy 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

August 3-8



Run 75min
30' @Z1
3x4'(4') @ Z4(V02)
15' @Z1

Sleep: 4 hours

Results: 8 miles in 1:17:35. 9:41 pace.  
*The first 30 minutes were fine. Was closer to 9:00 pace. On the main workout the first set was fine and I found the last two to were harder to get to. I believe the first 30 minutes wore me out a bit before the workout (that sounds pathetic I'm sure). The last Z1 after the workout was ugly. Pace slowed down a good bit.  :/ This happened last week as well???  I was hoping to be able to get close to 8.5 miles in 75 minutes, but that sure didn't happen. 



WU: 400
MS1: 10x100(20') Fast
MS2: 6x50(20')Sprint
MS3:4x200(20"), last 50 of each sprint

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Result: 50 min. swim time

A1. FSQ @ 20X1, 4 x 4 reps, rest 30 sec  155,175,185,200
A2. Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 2.2.2, rest 2 min
B1. V-Ups, 4 x 15, rest 30 sec
B2. Russian KB Swings, 4 x 12 reps, rest 60 sec  70,79,88,88



Bike 75 min/ 15min brick run
Frissell +2 is 4x9-minute intervals at 102% FTP with 4.5-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 6 hrs
Run: 1.73 miles in 15 min. 8:40 pace

A1. Sumo Dead Lift @ 40X1, 4 x 3-5, rest 30 sec 165,215,245,255
A2. Tall Kneeling Press @ 30X3, 4 x 8-10, rest 30 sec 30,30,35,35
A3. Natural Knee Extensions @ 3011, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec
4 sets @ 95%
5 Burpees
15 Cal Air Bike
20 sec FLR on Rings
rest 2 min


60 min10' @z1-ok 1 mile @z3-8:00 min. pace 4' @z1-ok 2 mile @z3-8:25 min. pace :( 4' @z1-ok 1 mile @z3-from this point on it was basically z1. Remainder @z1

Sleep: 5 hours

Results: 6.36 miles in 60 minutes. 9:25 average pace. Hills were involved. My legs were feeling it as soon as I got up from yesterday's bike and gym workout. I did take a couple breaks before the z3 runs as you suggested at one point.  

Race + 1 hour or more of Z1/Z2 bike
Out of town

Optional extra swim 2500
WU: 400
2 x 500 (20") @ T-pace plus 3"
2 x 400 (15") @ T-pace plus 3"
2 x 300 (10") @ T-pace plus 3",
100 easy