Monday, August 17, 2015

August 17-22

90 min run
15' @z1 
2 x 10' (10') @ z3 
15' @ z1  
15' @ z2
remainder @ Z1     

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 10 miles in 1:36:42. 9:40 average pace
10 minute ice bath after

Swim: 2700WU: 
400 MS1: 8 x 100 (15") 
FastMS2: 4 x 200 (20") Negative split
MS3: 2 x 300(20") Negative split 
CD: 100 easy

Sleep: 6.5 hours
Results: 2700 yards in 53:40

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 2 reps, rest 1 min  155,185,210,225#
A2. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x, rest 10 sec b/w singles, 1 min b/w sets Stricts and squats aren't a great combination for me. Although I doubt if stricts and anything make a good combo for me in all truth.
B. Single Arm Farmer’s Carry, 4 x 100’/hand w/ 70#, rest as needed 
C. Chinese Plank, 30 sec hold, rest 60 sec x 5 *add plate on top if possible  15,25,35,45,45 plates

Sleep: 6 hours

Bike 75 min / 15min brick runRubicon +1 (repeat of july 8thworkout)3x12-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 5.5 hours
15 minute run. 1.85 miles. 8:06 pace


A1. SL Dead Lift w/ KB barefoot @ 3030, 4 x 8-10/side, rest 30 sec 44,44,53,53 
A2. Standing DB Press @ 21X2, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 90 sec  30,35,35,45
30 min EMOM
1st- 15 sec Sled Push w/ 90# on top + Walk the remaining time
2nd- 20 sec FLR on Rings + Easy Row in remaining time
3rd- Easy Bike 

Sleep:  7 hours


Bike 70 +  miles
WU: 10-15', then  3x1' high effortMS1:4 x 10' (4') @ Z4 (Threshold)Remainder Z2/Z3 (Always be pushing)Cool down easy spinning 10 min
Brick Run 15 min 

Sleep: 6 hours
Results: 70.01 miles in 3:19. 21.1mph pace
Run: 1.31 miles in 15 minutes. 11:28 pace.  :(
Ice bath after


60 min HILLS run
Can run all @ near Z2 if you can sustain. Don't kill yourself but put in an effort.   This is for practicing pacing in the hills. If you stop to walk keep the GPS running.  You will walk in Chattanooga so this is practice. Your  run pace will most likely be slower race day but this still similutes pacing.

Sleep: 8.5 HOURS!!!
Nap: 2 HOURS!!!
Started late and got about 6 minutes in and felt awful due to a late dinner.  :(

Optional Swim
Swim: 2800WU: 
200 MS1: 3 x 400 (30") Negative Split
MS2: 3 x 400 (30") Negative Split
CD: 100 Easy 

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