Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26-October 31 (IMFL)

Swim 2600
WU: 200
MS: 20 x 100 (20"), as 50 Sprint, 50 Easy. Take an extra easy 50 after every 5th 100 as active recovery. Set Total: 2200
CD: 200 easy
70 min @ z1 run

Results: 2800 yards in 58:51. Started off feeling good. Sprints wore me out.  I was dragging this morning. 

Bike 60 min 20min Run
3x6-minute intervals at 105% FTP with 2-minute recoveries between intervals

2.07 mile run in 20 minutes. 9:38 average pace 
Sleep: 5.5 hours.   

Run 70 min @ z1 run

Results:   7. miles in 1:10. 9:51 average pace
Sleep:     5 hours
Right knee is hurting a good bit. This isn't the one that I had the tendinitis. It's the weak one when doing front squats, Mike.




B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 3.2 reps, rest 60 sec  ok
B2. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 4 x 10 steps, rest 2 min  44# KBs
C1. Standing Landmine Twist, 3 x 10/side, rest 30 sec  10#,15#,15#   
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec **hold 10-15# plate 10#,15#,15#   

Open Water Swim. 1/3 mile.
Had very little time. Forgot to stop my watch so not sure of time.  

Sleep:     6 hours

2000 yard swim

Results: 42:09. Felt really good.
Sleep:    6 hours


Fit2Lead 5K + a slow kid's mile with Cash
Results:  24:50. 7:59 average pace
Sleep:    5 hours 

Not done due to going easy on the knees....  :(

Bike 2hr/Run 20minMostly Z1/Z2Spend at least 20 - 30 min in Z3(tempo)

50 min run15' @ Z12 x 8' (4')@ Z3Remainder @ Z1

A. Front Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast
B1. Russian KB swings @ 97#, 5 x 8-10, rest 30 sec **focus fast hip drive
B2. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 4-5 reps, rest 2 min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight.
C. Side Plank, 5 x 45 sec/side, rest as needed **add weight

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19-24 (IMFL)

60min bike/15 min run
4x10-minute intervals between 95-99% FTP with 3-minute recoveries between
Sleep: 5 hours
1.72 miles in 15 min. 8:43 average pace 
Foot felt fine. Ride wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. 
Swim 2800
WU: 200
MS1: 20 x 100 (20"), as 50 Sprint, 50 Easy.
MS2: 8 x 50 (20") as 25 Sprint, 25 Easy Set Total: 400
CD: 200 easy

Sleep: 6 hours 
Results: 2800 yards in 56:33. 
Felt pretty good. 
P.M. A. Front Squat @ 30X0, 5 x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min **building each set165,185,195,205,215 B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 3.1.1 reps, rest 60 sec ok B2. Front Rack Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 2 min70,70,70,88 (used KBs) C1. Standing Landmine Twist, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec Bar, +10, +15 * C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 60 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on squeezing butt and driving hips into the pad  ok
90' Run @ Z1 
Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 10 miles in 1:36. 9:39 average pace
A. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast 165#
B1. Russian KB swings @ 97#, 5 x 6-8, rest 30 sec **focus fast hip drive ok
B2. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 6-8 reps, rest 2
min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight. 45,45,45,45,45
C. Side Plank, 5 x 40 sec/side, rest as needed **add weight   ok
Bonus swim: 
Results: 1700 yards in 35:08

Sleep:  None due to mom's ER trip.  Did get a nap at one point
60' Run with 2 x 8'(4') @ Z3 
Sleep: 7 hours
Results: 6.25 miles in 60 min. 9:35 average. Some hills. 
180' bike
WU: 10'-15',then 3x1' high effort
MS1: 2 x 10'(4') @Z4(Threshold)
MS2 2 x 25'(5') @ Z3(Tempo)
Remainder @ Z2

Optional Extra Swim....practice wetsuit swim 60'

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12-17 (IMFL)

70’ min Z1

Sleep: 6.5 hours

Results: 7 miles in 1:10:42.  10:05 average pace
*Legs were a little wore out from the bike which was only about 10 hours earlier. Took a few short (20 second) walk breaks. I was running the hills there at JC Penney

A. Front Squat @ 3030, 4 x 4 reps, rest 2-3 min **building each set 155,165,175,185
B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 2.2.2 reps, rest 60 sec      ok
B2. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 2 min   30,30,35,35
C1. Hollow Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec  Hollow hold on floor
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 60 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on squeezing butt and driving hips into the pad ok


Swim 2500. Focus on smooth efficient form
Sleep: 6.5 hours

Results:  2500 yards in 54:53
*first 1000 was in 19:37

A. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast  165
B1. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight. 35,35,45,45,45
C. Side Plank, 5 x 40 sec/side, rest as needed ok

Sleep: 6.5 hours
*Box jumps skipped due to some pain in right foot

Bike 75min/Run 15min
3x12-minute intervals in the Threshold power level at 95-99% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 5.25 hours
1.66 mile run in 15:31. 9:20 average pace


70min Z1 Run

Results:  Foot pain cut the run short. REALLY short.


3.5 hr ride/15min Run
Ride mostly in Z2
4 x 10' @ Z3 with full recoveries. Can put them in anywhere in the ride.

Results: Rested the foot


Optional extra swim
2500 swim smooth  

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5-10 (IMFL)

35' Easy Run 
Sleep: 5 hours
Results: 3.43 miles in 35 minutes. 10:12 average pace
1500 easy smooth swim 
Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 1500 yards in 31:48
A. Front Squat @ 3330, 3 x 5 reps, rest 2-3 min **mod weight, think tempo
and tech more than weight 135,155,165
B1. Ring Rows @ 30X0, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 60 sec ok
B2. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 16 steps, rest 2 min 25s, 25s, 30s, 30s
C1. Hollow Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec ouch
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 45 sec, rest 30 sec ok

Sleep: 4.5 hours 
35 min easy run

Sleep: 5.5 hours
Results: 3 miles in 29:34. 9:51 pace  (was a little short on time)

A. Back Squat, 2 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast Done. 165#
B1. Box Jumps 30”, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 30 sec **focus on jumping as high as
possible. Ok. Been over a year since I box jumped. I got no hops!
B2. Single Arm Swiss Ball Bench Press @ 2010, 4 x 6-8/arm, rest 2 min
**only shoulders on the ball, focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core
tight. 25,30,35,35
C. Side Plank, 5 x 30 sec/side, rest as needed  ok
Family day and Sunday prep. Ended up being a long one. In bed at 2am Sunday morning. :/ 
Sleep: 9 hours 
Sleep: 4 hours

Catch up day. Back to back bike workouts with a 5 minute break between. 
60' Bike
Mont Albert is 1 hour of Tempo intervals spent between 70-80% FTP with
intermittent, 1 to 3-minute recoveries at 55% FTP.
Felt fine.   
90' bike
Andrews is 90 minutes of aerobic Endurance riding spent somewhere between
65-75% FTP. 

I was fine the first 45 minutes, but the last 45 started to wear on me. 
Being out of the saddle 2 weeks made for an uncomfortable ride. Legs were a bit shot
although I was able to keep up with the workout.