Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12-17 (IMFL)

70’ min Z1

Sleep: 6.5 hours

Results: 7 miles in 1:10:42.  10:05 average pace
*Legs were a little wore out from the bike which was only about 10 hours earlier. Took a few short (20 second) walk breaks. I was running the hills there at JC Penney

A. Front Squat @ 3030, 4 x 4 reps, rest 2-3 min **building each set 155,165,175,185
B1. Strict Pull Ups @ 20X0, 4 x 2.2.2 reps, rest 60 sec      ok
B2. DB Walking Lunges, 4 x 12 steps, rest 2 min   30,30,35,35
C1. Hollow Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 30 sec, rest 30 sec  Hollow hold on floor
C2. Sorenson Hold off GH Machine, 3 x 60 sec, rest 30 sec **focus on squeezing butt and driving hips into the pad ok


Swim 2500. Focus on smooth efficient form
Sleep: 6.5 hours

Results:  2500 yards in 54:53
*first 1000 was in 19:37

A. Back Squat, 3 reps @ 70%/min for 10 min **down and up fast  165
B1. DB Bench Press w/ only shoulders on bench @ 2010, 5 x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min **focus on squeezing glutes and keeping core tight. 35,35,45,45,45
C. Side Plank, 5 x 40 sec/side, rest as needed ok

Sleep: 6.5 hours
*Box jumps skipped due to some pain in right foot

Bike 75min/Run 15min
3x12-minute intervals in the Threshold power level at 95-99% FTP with 6-minute recoveries between intervals.

Sleep: 5.25 hours
1.66 mile run in 15:31. 9:20 average pace


70min Z1 Run

Results:  Foot pain cut the run short. REALLY short.


3.5 hr ride/15min Run
Ride mostly in Z2
4 x 10' @ Z3 with full recoveries. Can put them in anywhere in the ride.

Results: Rested the foot


Optional extra swim
2500 swim smooth  

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