Thursday, June 16, 2016

June 13-18

Mon Swim
2100 yards in 41:52

A1. Press @ 20X2, 4 x 8-10, rest 60 sec 75,85,95,100
A2. Back Squat @ 33X1, 4 x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min 165,175,185,200
B1. Supinated Grip Pull Ups @ 20X2, 3 x 2-4, rest 60 sec ok
B2. Lateral Crossover Step Ups, 3 x 10/side, rest 2 min ok
C. FLR on Rings, 3 x 45-60 sec ok

5 min Bike Warm Up building in speed to high aerobic effort, not max effort
3 x 10 sec MAX EFFORT sprint, rest 2 min
6 min Bike Test
**avg Watts, avg Speed, Max Cals
Rest to full recovery
4 sets
2 min @ avg speed from test
5 Burpees
5 Box Jumps, 24” step down
Rest 90 sec b/w sets

Run 60'
2'@ 15 seconds slower than Z4
Cool down 5'

6.2 miles in 60 min. 9:41 pace. Heat whipped me early on.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

May 30-June 4

Race Week

Swim 2100
WU: 200
MS: 3 x 600(30””) @ race effort
CD: 200”
2000 yards in 39:09

Run 50’ within the run do 2 x 8’(8’) @ Z3
5.37 miles in 50 min. 9:19 average. Intervals felt fine.

A1. Front Squat, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec **building to tough 3, not 3RM 175,195,215
A2. Strict Pull Ups, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec ok
B. Russian KB Swings, 4 x 12 reps heavy, rest 90 sec 79,79,88,88
Bike 20 sec ALL OUT, rest 2:40 x 4 ok

bike 60' / Run 20'

Swim 1500 broken into sets however you feel. 

Bike 30' Easy
20 minute run. 2.03 miles. 9:51 pace